Morally, of course, it actually depends on what precisely you're doing. Are you just looking at pics of boys, lets say in swimming trunks (or "speedos", as they're called in the rest of the world)? Or are you doing so with lascivious intent? A man who looks at a women lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Just follow the logic. Are you looking at these pics because you want to get an erection? Or are you looking at these pics (and posting them, for that matter) for other reasons, albeit in the full and certain knowledge that you and/or others will almost certainly get erections as a result?
Morally this is actually quite a subtle distinction. It's an important one though, and all sorts of important geo-political events can hinge on it. Is it wrong for a pilot to drop a bomb if he foresees a strong likelihood of civilian casualties, and so on? Unfortunately a lot of modern people just don't view the world in moral terms - just in an extreme Calvinist sort of way, taking no account of motive and only considering actions in terms of net material benefit.
My answer is of course that it's good to like boys. Indeed, it is our positive duty not just to "like" them but to love them, and that is why I post pictures of them here - because unlike the love of the angels human love has physical elements to it, and boys are physical creatures (and unusually so, maybe). Fully human love, as I have tried to explain in my various posts on the subject, cannot exist in some disembodied state. The main purpose of this blog is of course to "blog out" my thoughts and feelings about children, boys, sexuality, morality, and whatever else comes into my head. Its secondary purpose though is to encourage men to love boys in a world in which men have no interest in children in general or in boys in particular.
As far as I am concerned, a few unintended (even if not unforeseen) "consequences" (i.e. going on "down there") of posting pics here is but a small price to pay for the good I hope may come of it.
ReplyDeleteComments after my own heart! I'm becoming somewhat known in conservative Anglican circles for advocating just such a fine distinction. I am same-sex attracted. I am drawn to boys as just about the most beautiful presence on earth, and I am resolutely celibate. That statement should give no one a problem (though it will seriously annoy many).