Even before he came back from fighting the good fight in Afghanistan, Prince Harry was "Britain's Pin-Up Prince". The OMG blog a couple of years ago was just one blog that got excited by pics of him with his shirt off. Then after Afghanistan of course even the blogsphere's "liberal" elements (i.e. the same sorts of people who were into yummy little Tom Daley, although not literally, one hopes) all enjoyed at least some of the pics of the soldier prince on active service in far off lands. The blog When Only Hot Will Do had a nice post about him here. The blog AskaGayMan.com didn't even have to be asked. Even the Miami Herald took an interest.
And now comes the news that even homo-Nazi Peter Tatchell may have been, er, "turned" by this young man's charms.
In the absence of any pics of Prince Harry "having it" both ways, here are his old Afghan pics again. Enjoy!Mr Tatchell, who is a gay rights campaigner and a leading member of Republic, heaped rare praise on our twenty-four-year-old Prince describing him as "liberated and enlightened" after Prince Harry was filmed kissing and licking a male Army friend. For in that video, obtained by The News Of The World newspaper, Prince Harry is caught on a night out with friends in which he mouths to one soldier: "I love you" before kissing him on the cheek and also licking his face. Another extract from the tape shows our Harry asking a colleague how he felt after an Army exercise, adding: "Gay, queer on the side?"
In his press statement Mr Tatchell said he had no problem with Harry's use of the word "queer" and praised his show of affection. Mr Tatchell said: "For him to happily give his soldier friend a public kiss and lick his face strikes me as rather liberated and enlightened - for a straight man. If only more heterosexual men were relaxed about same-sex affection like Harry, the world would be a better place. The context and intention of words is crucial in deciding whether they are offensive or not. I don't find anything objectionable about the context in which Harry used the word queer."
In a statement Neil Welton, the leader of Monarchy Wales, said he was "delighted" that such a prominent member of Republic's team was now backing Prince Harry. He urged Republic's Campaign Manager, Graham Smith, to publicly state whether he agreed with Mr Tatchell's assessment of Prince Harry as "liberated and enlightened". Neil added: "Last Monday morning, Graham Smith of Republic was describing Prince Harry as a disgrace and unfit to be a possible future Head of State. By Wednesday afternoon, Peter Tatchell of Republic is describing Prince Harry as liberated and enlightened. Which is it? Are they having a laugh? They can't have it both ways."
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