Well, given that we're being "all political" at the moment (Hiyah, Uncle Sid!), I couldn't quite resist this from
Mark Steyn's Xmas column:
One final thought on "My Grown-Up Christmas List" [by Kelly Clarkson]. The first two lines always give me a chuckle: "Do you remember me?
I sat upon your knee…"
When was the last time you saw a child sit upon a Santa's knee? Rod Liddle in the British Spectator reports that at a top London department store Santa sits at one end of the bench while a large "X" directs the moppet to a place down the other end, well out of arm's reach. For even Santa Claus is just another pedophile in waiting. Naughty or nice? Who really knows? Best not to take any chances. That's another way societies seize up – by obsessing on phantom threats rather than real ones.
Are free peoples now merely vulnerable infants in need of protection from the pedophile Santa of global capitalism? This is the issue that will determine the future: Euro-style state-directed protectionist sclerosis versus individual liberty in all its messiness. I know what I want on my "Grown-Up Christmas List."
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