And all power to the elbow of the enterprising 46-year-old male from Blackburn who's taken over my old URL on blogspot. (Good to see the old can-do Lancastrian spirit isn't all gone - yet.) What exactly he thinks he's doing there though I don't know. (He even has an advert asking requesting material.)
I, of course, started this blog (which was then there) about two weeks ago, and if I'm honest I did so mainly because I didn't want to visit dodgy "boylove" websites anymore - and now that I look back on it I can honestly say "not that I ever did want to visit such sites" - although I do still like boys. So far I've been pleasantly surprised to find that I haven't been deleted and that there are even some bloggers out there who think the same way I do.
Which is nice!
You have a great blog... to many beautiful boys. Thanks for sharing!.